Cornpone Caller Background / Cornpone Voice Mails / Cornpone Challenge / Dom G Demagogue Rap / Jew Haters
Background on the original "Cornpone Caller"
So last week I'm listening to the radio and Chris Stigall gets two calls in a row from classic Cornpone Callers. These are the sort of callers that go off half-baked on a host about anything and everything but always come back around to how much the host sucks. They never leave that part out and these guys really think Chris sucks! I wish I had the audio of these two callers but could not obtain permission to use it.
Long-time listeners to talk radio in Philadelphia may remember how the term "Cornpone Caller" came about. One guy in particular (and I DO have his audio below) used to call up Phil Valentine and one day Phil gave him that nickname. Originally the caller tried to tag Phil with the nickname "Cornpone" but Phil turned the tables on him by nicknaming him the "Cornpone Caller." He then turned his attention to Dom Giordano who renamed him "The artist originally known as the Cornpone Caller now known as the Cornpone Caller again."
Keep reading for some hateful voicemails and a parody rap
The Cornpone challenge - October 1999 (Originally posted to
This week I realized my "Life Dream # 457" by actually getting the chance to go one-on-one with the famous "Cornpone Caller" on the Dom Giordano show. For those that don't know who he is, Cornpone is probably the biggest idiot ever to call any talk station, besides me. Always sounding very drunk he pesters the producers up to a dozen times a show and leaves multiple voice messages.
Regular listeners relish his calls, it's comforting to know that no matter what goes wrong in life there is always somebody out there that is a bigger idiot than the rest of us. I received several emails asking me to post the challenge I presented to him. Cornpone claimed to earn $75K per year in a recent exchange with Dom. I called Dom to offer an additional $75K IF he can do the following,
- Present a W-2 proving he actually earned $75K
- Accurately spell "Cornpone"
- Count to 12 without taking off his shoes.
Cornpone will take Dom and me out to a 4-star eatery to consummate the deal.
It wasn't long before Cornpone called in to take me to task but deftly sidestepped my offer. He countered with a brilliant diversion, he called me a fag.
Jew Haters
One thing consistent with CC was his hatred of Jews. Even if you weren't Jewish, he found a way to make a connection and hate you too. His calls were clearly insane and strangely entertaining at the same time. It is often scary how easily Anti-Semetics find a reason to spew their hate.
Cornpone Voice Mail
This is the real deal, not made up.
Call 1
Call 2
Dom Giordano Demagogue Rap
As a tribute to the Cornpone, we present the "Dom, Dom the Demagogue" Rap Lyrics anonymously faxed in to DB, sung by producer John Stolnis with backup vocals by none other than The Cornpone Caller and produced by John Stolnis. All rights reserved.