Philly Talk's Philly Slang List
A funny look at how we talk & the Philadelphia Accent
Updated: May 1st, 2024
- Locations
- Sentence examples
- Vocabulary
- Archived content from Claudio
- Archived content from Stu Bykofsky
Yo! Yeah you. You’re about to embark on a rewarding experience of learning a new language. Although PhillySlang is indigenous "Street Slang" to Philadelphians, one can learn this exciting new language in less time than it takes to eat a famous Philly Cheesesteak. The good news is you don’t need a Ph.D. in English to speak this "slanguage". In fact, the less viable brain function you have, the more expeditiously you’ll conquer this pursuit. Just take out your teeth and go for it. Broadcast professionals new to Philadelphia have found this page particularly useful, especially some certain TV news people. It's strongly advised that broadcast newcomers learn the unique dialect, diction, and local terms of Philly before trying the hard words. Many words may have hyper-local pronunciations that vary from what's below. It's one of the cool things about our dialect, there's no firm rules.
Contributions are noted in parentheses. You can contribute here - Contact Page
You might be from Philadelphia if you talk like this...
Addi-tood - Attitude
Aeneeding - Anything
A-ite - Alright
A-ready - Already
Arnch - Orange (Pattie) Also "Aren't you" as in Arnch you glad to see me?
Ac-a-me - Acme Market
Alrighty - Stop it already with alrighty! The word doesn’t exist.
Arn or Eye-urn or Eyern - Clothes Iron.
Aster-ick - Asterisk
Ath-a-lete - Athlete
Ats All, Dat’s All - That’s all
Bat-tree - Battery
Baff-room - Bathroom
Beggles - (Submitted by Sarah, 10/02)
Bee-yood-ee-ful - Beautiful
Big Ma-hoff - An ostentatious person; a big shot
Birff-day - Birthday
Boul / Bul - uncommon usage for a guy (boy) but could be for anyone.
Bref-fist - Breakfast
Ca-MACK Street - Camac Street. Usually referring to S Camac St, south of City Hall.
Casina - Casino
Caus - Because
Center City - We NEVER say "downtown"
Chimley - Chimney, rare usage. (via Pattie)
CHOP - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Located in West Philly.
Colbert - Sewer (Tom Burke, changed from Colbin, Aug 06 see feedback, Feedback Jun 07 says the proper word is Culvert)
Coont - Couldn't
Cooughee - Coffee
Con-fra-bill - Comfortable
Con-ter-versy - Controversy
Crick - Creek (small waterway) or anywhere there is pain like "I got a Crick in my neck." (via Audrey)
Crown - Crayon
Cump-nee - Company
Down-A-Shore, Dahnashure - Traveling down to the shore in Jersey. "We're going downtheshore/down ashore."
At the beach - "Attabeach" as in Lannick Ciddy (Atlantic City) OhCee (O.C. = Ocean City), Whilewould (Wildwood), and the like.
The alternative is upamount'ns to the poke-noes (Poconos). These are all places taken over by Philadelphians in the summer. Shore towns hold a "Hasta La Vista Tourista" party when they all leave at the end of the summer. (Locals don't say "Shore")
DawDer - Daughter (Dave L)
Days of the Week - Days of the week..Mondy, Tuesdy, Wensdy, Thursdy, etc.Also "Tamarra" "Yestaday" (Kyle)
Def-lee - Definitely
Dis, Dat, Dey, Dees, Doze, Dem, Dough - This, That, They, These, Those, Them, Though
Dint - Didn't
Do-in - Doing, as in "Hal ya doin?"
Draff - Draft
Draw - Drawer
Drawlin' - Acting out of character. Not being yourself. Doing somthing that would be considered unorthodox. (from Phillychick215)
E - He
EL / The EL - pronounced simply "L" for an Elevated train like a subway. In Philly "The EL" does go underground for some stretches. One end is in northeast Philly in Frankford and runs south over Frankford Ave. towards Center City then west to 69th street.
Earl - Oil
Figger - Figure
Fighdollas - Five Dollars (Patti)
Fluffia - Philadelphia
Fridge, Ice Box - Refrigerator
Fuss-trated - Frustrated
Ga head, GeHead, Gaw head - Go Ahead
Goff-forbid - God forbid
Gunalli - Canoli (the delectable Italian pastry)
Haff - Have
Hal? - How?
Hoagie - Philly name for sub/hoagie. Wawa is a popular place for a quick pickup on the go but Philly is more known for the local joints offering heftier and tasty hoagies.
Hunnert - Hundred
Hunting Park - Huntingdon Park
Husbint - Husband (Pattie)
I-dear - Idea
Ionno - I don't know (Dave L)
Ionkear - I don't care (Dave L)
Iggles - NFL Eagles - The Birds / Da Birds - The Eagles
Ice-ning - Icing
Ir-regardless - Regardless
Jabroni - Insult for a person who thinks he's all that. Somebody in love with himself, talks to much, doesn't deliver on what's promised.
Jawn - A multipurpose word that replaces any noun in a Philly-specific manner. It can be anything from a car to a person. Usage of this is more of a stereotype. It's not as common as outsiders think. Some have personalized it in advertising much to the derisive amusement of locals.
Jeet? -Did you eat? No, Jew?- No, did you?
Kel-ler - Color
Lannick Ciddy or Lantic Ciddy - Atlantic City
Laasch, Las - Last
Leck-tric - Electric
Leven - Eleven
Lie-berry - Library
Linc - See "The Linc" below
Lot-tree - Lottery
MAC - Local version of an ATM (automated teller machine) (Thanks Tommy)
Man-Choo-Uh - Mantua is a neighborhood in West Philadelphia.
Manny-Unc Manayunk is a neighborhood in the section of Lower Northwest Philadelphia known for steep hills (The Manayunk Wall for the bike race), fine local eating/pubs, and flooding. See more below.
Meer-oe - Mirror
My-en - Mine
MayazWell - May as well
Mummer - New Year's Day costumed revelers.
Mutter Museum - Genius doctor with a museum named after him full of medical oddities.
Newsey - Nosey
Norf Philly - North Philly. The area mostly between Center City and Northeast Philly.
Nuthin, Nuttin - Nothing
Offen - Often
Ollars - Dollars
Or-gun - Oregon Ave
Olney - A neighborhood in the Northeast, pronounced AH - LEN - EE or AH - LEH - NEE
Paa-ler - Parlor or living room
Passyunk - Lenape word for "in the valley" (See local names defined below) and like most words in Philly has changed from something like pah-Sigh-unk to Pass- ee-unk or Pash-unk or Pass-yunk or Pash-ee-unk. This one has multiple variations and people will swear their version is the true version. It's been explained to me that a Y after and S turns it into a SH sound.
Pay-mint - Pavement
Pea-nits - Peanuts
Petique - Petite
Philly -"Fill-ee" The short name for our city. Postal abbreviation is Phila.
Pilla - (Pilluh) Pillow, similar to how we say Window (Winduh) (Reader contribution, sorry I lost your name)
Pix-ture, Pitcher - Picture
Pock-a-book - Purse
Plug - Fire Hydrant, specifically when used for first or third base in streetball or a boundary line. Limited neighborhood use, possibly south Philly.
Prob-lee - Probably
Rawn - Ruin
Re-dic-liss - Ridiculous
Reg-a-ler - Regular
Rita's - Local company that sells Italian ice, Water Ice.
San-wich, Sang-wich - Sandwich
Sat-ur-en - Like the car or planet (via Audrey)
Sim-u-lar - Similar
Skoo-kill - Schuylkill River that runs through the southwest part of the city. Don't pronounce the L. Also refers to the Sure-Kill expressway, I-76.
Soar, Sol - Saw
Sow-Philly - /SowFilly/ noun- South Philly, leave off the TH (via Jessica)
Sparra-grass - Asparagus
Spicket- Spigot, the faucet, or outside water connection. (via Audrey)
Stunad/Stunod - Stoo-nod. Italian for idiot or crazy. Depending on the spelling or intonation it can be playful or insulting.
Taawk - Talk
TarzDale - Torresdale Avenue & neighborhood in Northeast Philadelphia
The Linc - Short for Lincoln Financial Field where the NFL Eagles (Iggles) play. Located at the bottom of Philly right across from the Phillies' Citizens Bank Park. When they sold the naming rights many in the media refused to use it since they weren't getting paid so "The LinK" was coined.
Tal - Towel
Took-en - Taken
Tree - Three
Udder - Other (Dave L)
U-mid - Humid - H is 90% silent
U-min - Human
Wooder, Ward-er, Whadder - Water, H20 (Thanks Brooke for Wooder)
Water Ice - Italian Ice, flavored "icee" see Rita's. Pronounced Wooder Ice. Made from mostly water, sugar, fruit flavor, and actual fruit in some of the better brands. Similar to a sorbet.
WaWa - A local convenience store similar to but better than 7-11(Thanks Tommy)
Wes Philly - West Philly
Whaddya? - What do you?
Which-a-ma-callit - The name of a person, place, or thing that Alzheimer’s has removed from your memory bank
Whiz - an oozy cheese we put on cheesesteaks
Wiz wit - How you stereotypically order a cheesesteak with cheese and onions.
Whoodaya? - Who do you?
Winda, Win-dill - Window
Wit - With - Method of ordering fried onions on top of your cheesesteak. Wiz Wit or "Cheese Wit"
Wit-out - Without
Woont - Wouldn't
Yesta-day - Yesterday
Yea - Yes (Thanks Jessica)
Youse, Yziz - You (plural), All of you. "Do youse wan sum wudder?" "Hey youse guys"
Yuengling - Regional beer
Zink - Sink (Patti)
Philadelphia Area Names to know
Center City - We never say "downtown"... There is no Downtown... it's "Let's go down Center City."
Bucks - Bucks County, PA to the north
Montco – Montgomery County, PA to the west
Delco – Delaware County, PA to the south
South Jersey - Where we get our tomatoes from. Where Philly dumped trash and toxic waste for decades so yeah...
Jersey Shore - Where we go swimming. Everybody has their favorite shore town and all the other shore towns suck.
The Delaware Valley - Philly plus all the collar counties above and then some. Never say just "Valley" or "In the valley" like LA. A DJ moved here from the West Coast and tried to start his show with a report "Weather here in the Valley today..." and got corrected ... quickly.
Local Names/Areas Defined
Bala: Welsh for "where river flows from lake." Bala Cynwyd is a town in Montco. Ba-la Kin-wid or Ba-la Kin-wood
Bryn Mawr: Welsh for "great hill." Roland Ellis of Wales settled here and named the land for his ancestral home.
Conshohocken: Either "pleasant valley" or a version of Native American "guneu-schigi-hacki" - "long, fine land.
Cynwyd: Welsh for "lively and ferocious.:
Juniata: "standing stone people."
Manayunk or just Yunk: A collection of neighborhoods bordering the Schuykill River filled with tightly packed row homes, some steep streets, great bars, breweries, and restaurants. Lenape for "A Place To Drink."
King of Prussia: The Prussians built a brewery here in honor of their King Frederick.
Kingsessing: Native American for "place where there should be a meadow."
Main Line: Wealthier suburbs located right outside the city including Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Merion, Narberth, and Wynnewood, all in Chester or Montgomery County. People who live here like the proximity to Philly but the exclusivity of not living amongst the poors.
Passyunk: Native Americans called the land between the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers "Pachsegink" or "Pachsegonk" -- "a valley or place between hills."
Schuylkill: Its roots are Dutch, not Native American and it means "hidden stream," not "toxic tributary."
Wissinoming: Native American for "where we were frightened," derived from the Wissinoming Creek. Some daring historians theorize natives were scared by something at the creek.
Partially sourced from Philly Magazine with some edits/additions by
used with permission - Link to Philly Mag
Sentence Examples by Sam
E went dahnashure, but his wife woont let him geaow ta da casinas
for e would spend a couplea hunnert ollars. (He went down the shore but his wife won't let him go to the casinos for he would spend a coulple of hundred dollars.) -
She fell awna paymint caus she dint see da crack. (She fell on the pavement because she didn't see the crack.)
I dint think da Iggles would win any games lasch year. ( I didn't think the Eagles would win any games last year.)
Feedback email
Please use the contact page if you have something to contribute
May 2024
Submitted by Dave L.
Ionno = I don’t know
Ionkear = I don’t care
Up air = up there
Down air = down there
Over air = over there
Yahmean? = You know what I mean?
Antnee = Anthony
Udder = other
I don’t even know how to spell the way we say daughter
Thanks Dave, I think Daughter would be DawDer because that's how it comes out of my mouth! "Ionno" what else it would be.
February 2008
Submitted by Billie Jo
I am from N.E. Philly born and raised. I know my name makes people think otherwise, but it is my name. Anyway, I agree with some of the people on here. Yes, some I would agree to be true but there are many on here that I do not. Are you from Philly? Where did you grow up around? I agree certain sections of the city the slang seems stronger but not all over and not as bad as you put it out here to be ..sorry but you should redo this page or at least listen to what we have to say.
Thanks Billie Jo, I agree, some of it sounds over the top but every single one is or has been spoken that way by real people! I grew up in the Northeast just like you and while our corner of the city had a dialect that was mild in comparison many others had accents much thicker. I do appreciate your comments and feedback.
August 2007
From Mary Spotts
I too have moved from Philly (actually Clifton Heights)and now live in Illinois. I still say "wood-er", soda, and many more. I now have my four-year-old granddaughter correct me! There are so many sayings that we just are not aware of, but when the news is on, and something from Philly is being highlighted, I catch that sound in their voices, and cry. Sites like yours are what all of us homesick people cling to! My all time favorite? "Ja'eet? S'go"...translation, "did you eat? Let's go"!!
Thanks Mary, I get corrected by my own kids sometimes. My wife and I just laugh at ourselves. Hey, to US we don't sound funny!
August 2007
From Tommy Brabe
I am in the Coast Guard, one day I am in a room with people from all over the country, telling a story and I say....
Thanks Tom, I figured those were universal terms but you're right. How sad is it that the rest of the country doesn't have a WaWa to go to?
June 2007
From "T"
Regarding Culvert/Colbin/Sewer
I am mortified that all my life I have been using the word 'COLBIN.' I was raised deep in South Philadelphia and sometimes we threw things down the colbin because we didn't want to smell up our trash cans.
I just learned that the correct word is CULVERT. Where in God's name did we get colbin?
I almost want to cheap!
Thanks T, Coming to grips with how we "tawk" is always a rude shock.
June 2007
from Stacey
AH - LEN - EE = OLNEY (is a neighborhood, in case ya didn't know)
but anytime it "happens" to be on the news is always OL-NEY
Thanks Stacey, My wife's grandparents lived in Olney. I never had reason to even say the word until I met her so I asked her to say the name today and sure enough, she says "Olenee" !!
April 2007
from Philly forever, Debbie Arnold
I moved to Southern Illinois and understands me when I say "GeHead" for go ahead and do something...People laugh or say "What did you say?"
Very frustrating that people do not get Philly tawk. Cawfee is another one. They say cOooffee with this long drawn out o.
I love our dialect...
February 2007
From Rick Nagel
We also have “Green ivory” growing on our brick and stone walls and Philly is the only city where you can get “Ivey poison”. This is classic slang for the city people.
Thanks Nick, It took me a few seconds to get the one about "Ivey Poison" but you are so right on that one.
December 2006
One could make an interesting comparison between Glasgow slang and Philly slang. In Glasgow, they have something called "The Patter" which has similar word mutilations.
Jan Snyder
August 2006
I grew up in Kensington near a carpet factory and some kitting mills. We always played stickball against the mill walls. This topic actually came up while I was working in Buffalo and we were comparing idioms from Buffalo and Philadelphia. I did a Google search on Philly slang and found your site. Regarding Colbin as a sewer - where I grew up it was known as a Colbert and if our pinkies or pimple balls went down there - we use a wire hanger or held someone by their arms and lowered them into it to retrieve the ball. Usually when we were playing boxball or wireball.
Tom Burke
Thanks Tom, I remember holding buddies by their ankles and lowering them down the manhole, usually the lightest kid. I was too big but I could lift any manhole by first digging the dirt out of the little nook (with a pocket knife we could buy by post mail) and using one finger.
June 2005
I was reading the "Slango" you have on your website. Makes me wonder if you are really from Philadelphia. I am from Philadelphia, born and raised. I think some of the slang you have on your website is funny and true, but most of it I think you exaggerated just a little bit.
Example Warsh-wash?!?
My-zil-may as well?!? what person from Philly uses "MAY" in their vocabulary?!
Ward-er-water?!? Most of us say "Wood-er" not "Ward-er"
Brooke D.
Thanks Brooke, after looking at the original notes and your email I made some changes.
BTW - Yes I was born and raised in Philly ... from the northeast, Whataboutchew?
November 2002
Thank you for that Slango list! My husband (from the South Jersey/Philly area) and I have discussed the Philly accent for years!! You forgot "beggles" for bagels. What a fun page!
May 2002
Dear Webmaster,
I feel the need to let you know that as a native-born Philadelphian, I am appalled by this webpage (The "Slango" page). Although we are known for our unique accent, just as Bostonians are known for theirs, it does not mean that every word is pronounced incorrectly. Those educated know better. You are giving people the impression that Philadelphia is a city full of moronic people, and I am trying to fight against that.
Pissed off
Use the Contact Us Page to contribute material or send your feedback.
All original content on this page is the property & copyright of and Dee the Diva of Diction with help from "Sam from Bucks County"
The Philadelphia Dialect
This archived page is original material from Claudio Salvucci. His page left the Net sometime in 2005. If anybody knows where he moved it to please contact me. He lists two books, more on that near the end of this page.
"The dialect of the citizens [of Philadelphia],
particularly of the children... is very defective."
Anne Royall, 1826.
The local dialect of Philadelphia is not as well known as that of its neighbor to the north, New York City, but has nonetheless been fairly well studied. Linguists have been able to confirm through studies of Philadelphia and other urban centers that not only are dialects alive and well in America but that in many places pronunciation is actually continuing to diverge from the national standard.
Americans commonly understand the two types of dialects as northern and southern, and they would certainly recognize Philadelphian as a dialect of the northern type. However, most linguists today recognize a third group, the Midland, which runs between the true Northern dialects and the true Southern dialects. Philadelphian is classified by these linguists as a North Midland dialect. Other researchers, notably Craig Carver, recognize only two major divisions of American English: Northern and Southern, and the Pennsylvania dialects as layers of the Northern group.
Included within the general area of the Philadelphia dialect, though naturally some differences can be expected, are the Pennsylvania suburbs as well as southern New Jersey and northern Delaware.
One interesting feature of the dialect, in light of its geographic position, is its clear pronunciation in all positions of the 'r', including before consonants and at the end of words. Philadelphia and Baltimore are two of the only major port cities of the Atlantic coast to retain the 'r' in these positions, in contrast to New England, New York City, and the Coastal South, where they are dropped.
The dialect also has the following pronunciational characteristics:
words with "-er-" like "ferry" are pronounced "furry" with the short 'u' of "cut"
The "l" is very indistinct (dark or vocalized l), especially at the end of words, pronounced at the back of the mouth rather than the front, and the tip of the tongue does not touch the roof of the mouth.
the "-ow-" sound is pronounced as "al" with the type of indistinct, backed "l" described above.
words with "-ore" like "core" are pronounced "coor".
words with "-ar" like "car" are pronounced "caur" (non-locals may hear this as 'core')
words with "-ague" and "-eeg" are pronounced "-egg" and "-igg" respectively.
words with long "i" and an unvoiced consonant such as "ike" and "ite" are pronounced "uh-ee".
short 'a' in two forms - tense and lax - with complex distributions according to the following consonants.
The common local pronunciation of "Philadelphia" is "Fulladulfya," very often even in careful speech. It is spoken just like the separate words "full", "a", "dull", and then the monosyllabic ending "fya", in which the 'y' is consonantal.
Philadelphia has its own peculiar vocabulary. Some words are purely local, and others are being used in other regions as well. Ten of the most commonly cited usages are as follows.
anymore, at the present time, currently.
baby coach, baby carriage.
bag school, skip school.
hoagie, submarine sandwich.
hotcake, pancake.
scrapple, a local breakfast dish.
square, a city block.
pavement, sidewalk.
yo, hey there; hello.
youse, you all, you plural.
For More Information
I (Claudio Salvucci) have recently written two books dealing with Philadelphia speech, both of which go into much more detail than can be made available here on the web. Each of these titles is available through mail-order, or your local bookstore can order a copy for you.
Note: I have no information on where to purchase these books other than what is here - PhillyTalk
A Grammar of the Philadelphia Dialect (1995) / The Philadelphia Dialect Dictionary (1996)
Pricing and other information for these titles is available from the Evolution Publishing page at Books in American Dialectology.
If you have a good library near you, these articles are worth checking out and are fairly easy to read for the non-linguist:
Quinn, Jim. 1975. "How to Talk Like a Philadelphian." Philadelphia Magazine, 66:11, pp. 136-154. Nov. 1975.
Quinn, Jim. 1976. "How to Talk Like a Philadelphian Part II." Philadelphia Magazine, 67:3, pp. 124-127. March 1976.
Tucker, R. Whitney. 1944. "Notes on the Philadelphia Dialect." American Speech 19:37-42
Tucker, R. Whitney, 1964. "More on the Philadelphia Dialect." American Speech 39:157-158.
If you can't get a hold of the journal American Speech, then consult the section on Pennsylvania in H.L. Mencken's American Language, Supplement II, which discusses Tucker's article. Hans Kurath's Word Geography has a few paragraphs on Philadelphia terms as well.
This next source is very difficult to track down, but it's well worth it for the serious student of the dialect, containing 300 local expressions, many of which are not found anywhere else, and their distributions among various age groups, ethnic groups, and neighborhoods:
Lebofsky, Dennis Stanley. 1970. The Lexicon of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University.
Stu Bykofsky's Page
Note: The following material used to be available on the Net but has since been lost. It is archived here essentially intact with only a few edits.
How to talk like a Philadelphian by Stu Bykofsky
Stu is a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News
which you would already know if you weren't from out of town.
A few tips from Stu's "Little Black Book"
Philadelphia, like many cities, has its own manner of speech -- how we tawk, if you will.
We gots our awn way aspeakin, and yuze can figger out wot weir sayen, by uzen Stu's pronunciation and translation guide to Philly's langwich:
Ack A Mee: Acme, a local supermarket.
Addytood: Attitude.
Be Yoo Dee Full: Beautiful.
Bin Dare: I've been there.
Samson Shtreet: Sansom Street.
Senner Siddy: Center City.
Dah Iggles: Philadelphia Eagles.
Dah Fills: Philadelphia Phillies.
Dah Fliers: Philadelphia Flyers.
Dah Semi Sixes: Philadelphia Seventy-Sixers.
Downashore: The beach (as found along the New Jersey shore).
Fluffya: Philadelphia.
Goddago: I have to go.
Goes: Use in place of "said," as in "He goes, `I'm not feelin' so good.'"
Guh Head: Yes, you may do that.
Langwich: Language.
Jeet Yet?: Have you eaten yet?
Jeez Take: Cheesesteak.
King a Presha: King of Prussia.
Mondee, Twosdee, Whensdee, Thirsty, Frydee, Saradee, Sunny: Days of the week.
Niceta Meechas: Nice to meet you.
Nint Shtreet: Ninth Street.
Sammich: Sandwich.
Scrapple: Local delicacy made from ground pork products.
Scappleinecks: Scrapple and eggs.
Siddy Haw: City Hall.
Skeeve: Hatred/disgust. (Example: "I skeeve raw scrapple.")
Skowne On?: What's going on?
Sow Fluffya: South Philadelphia.
Sow Shtreet: South Street.
Trawley: Trolley.
Wah?: Excuse me, what did you say?
Weubin?: Where have you been?
Whachoolookinat?: What are you looking at? (Often a challenge.)
Yo: Either "hello" or "hey." (Should be used like expensive cologne. Sparingly.)
Yo Supp. Hello, what is going on?
Yunner Stan?: Do you understand?
Yuze (youze, yiz): You people.
Stu Bykofsky's Little Black Book:
A Gentleman's Guide to Philadelphia
How You Can Own a Copy (Or Buy One for Someone Else):
As anyone I work with at the Philadelphia Daily News could tell you, I don't write for free.
If you enjoyed my guide to "tawkin' like a Fluffyan," and would like to know more inside stuff (or if you're planning to visit Philadelphia and would like a real Fluffyan's take on everything from after-hours clubs to all-night drug stores, you SHOULD order this book. Here's how:
Contact the publisher for availability and pricing
Black Tooth Press
Stu Bykofsky's Little Black Book
P.O. Box 3212-C
Philadelphia, PA 19130
The original word list was compiled with lots of help from Dee - "The DEEva of Diction" (RIP) with help from "Sam from Bucks County" in 1998/99. The bulk of the additions to the Slang List are from readers with source credit given.
Some material on this page was composed initially by Ellen Gray of the Daily News, used with permission.
Local names partially sourced from Philly Mag, used with permission.
If anybody has updated links to source content & authors noted above please send them in via the Contact Page