The ongoing debate of Global Warming and Climate Change
I am an environmentalist. I recycle. I mulch and compost where I can. I grow vegetables. I plant trees. I also categorically reject scare tactics and faulty science. Too often we hear "The science is settled" only to have it reversed later.
I grew up in the era of Global Cooling. My kids grew up with Global Warming.
Now we just have "Climate Change."
It always changes.
One of my core principles is... "Do the right things ... for the right reason." There are very good reasons for recycling, planting trees, carpooling, public transportation, etc. People screaming that the sky is falling is NOT a good reason. Being good moral stewards of our planet is a good reason. We all can agree on so much, let's not be scared into doing what needs to be done because of fear tactics but rather do it because it makes sense and winds up being better for all of us, other species... and the planet.
Science must be constantly challenged and freedoms not surrendered based on political agenda.
Herein I attempt to provide some counter information in a reasonable manner for all to review.
- Your Generation ruined the planet
- A Brief History of Settled Science Meme
- Debunking Gore and Manning's "Hockey Stick" graph
- Newsweek April 28, 1975 - Global Cooling Scare
- NOW the debate is over - Man Made Global Warming is a scam
- Solar panels produce greenhouse gases
- Global Warming Hoax by Glenn Beck
- Unstoppable Solar Cycles. Global Warming every 1500 years.
- Debunking An Inconvenient Truth
- Climate facts counter warming hysteria
- Greenland Ice Cap more stable than thought
- Global Warming - Greatest Scam in History
- 1922 warming before Al Gore
- NASA blunder on climate change
- Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias
- Gore refuses debate on global warming